Cartap Hydrochloride
Active Ingeridents: | Cartap hydrochloride |
Formulation: | 4% G |
Spectrum: | Rice |
Pests: | Stem borer, Leaf folder |
Active Ingeridents: | Monomehypo |
Formulation: | 5% G |
Spectrum: | Rice |
Pests: | Stem borer |
Active Ingeridents: | Carbofuron |
Formulation: | 3% G |
Spectrum: | Maize, Rice, Sugercane, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Stem borer, Leaf folder, Nematodes |
Active Ingeridents: | Fipronil |
Formulation: | 0.4% G |
Spectrum: | Rice, Maize, Sugercane other crops |
Pests: | Stem borer, Termites |
Nitrogen + Phosphoruse + Postash
Active Ingeridents: | Nitrogen, Phosphoruse, Postash, Sulfer, Mixture of all the essential macro & micro nutrient |
Formulation: | 15:0:30:20s% W/W |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Zinc Liquid
Active Ingeridents: | Zinc Liquid |
Formulation: | 10% W/V |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Zinc Granular
Active Ingeridents: | Zinc Granular |
Formulation: | 33% G, 21% G |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potash + Amino acids
Active Ingeridents: | Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash & Amino acids |
Formulation: | 08:08:06% W/V |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Humic acid + Sulfur
Active Ingeridents: | Organic Matter, Humic acid, Sulfur, Potash, Zinc & Magnesium |
Formulation: | 25% W/W |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Active Ingeridents: | Phosphorus |
Formulation: | 20% W/V |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Nitrogen+ Phosphorus +Potato
Active Ingeridents: | Nitrogen+Phosphorus+Potato |
Formulation: | 05:15:45 W/V |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Nitrogen+ Phosphorus+ Potash
Active Ingeridents: | Nitrogen+Phosphorus+Potash |
Formulation: | 20:20:20 W/W |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Active Ingeridents: | Boron |
Formulation: | 5% W/V |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Humic acid + Fleuvic asid + Potash
Active Ingeridents: | Humic acid, Fleuvic asid, Potash, other micro nutrients |
Formulation: | 10+3.5% W/v ( Soil Conditioner) |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orcherds |
Active Ingeridents: | Nitrogen |
Formulation: | 20% W/N |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Fields Crops, Orchards |
Potash + Boron
Active Ingeridents: | Potash + Boron |
Formulation: | 30% W/V |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Nitrogen + Phosphorus
Active Ingeridents: | Nitrogen + Phosphorus |
Formulation: | 17:44:00 W/W |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards |
Active Ingeridents: | Validamycin |
Formulation: | 5% SL |
Spectrum: | Potato, Rise, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Diseases: | Rizocotina, Citrus canker, Bacterial leaf blight |
Thiophanate methyl
Active Ingeridents: | Thiophanate methyl |
Formulation: | 70% WP |
Spectrum: | Wheat, Rice, Vegetables, Orchards |
Diseases: | Powdery mildew, Stem rot, Smut, Kamal bunt, Brown spot, Bakanae, Rice blast, Die back of fruit plants |
Metalaxyl + Mancozeb
Active Ingeridents: | Metalaxyl + Mancozeb |
Formulation: | 72% WP |
Spectrum: | Potato, Vegetables, Orchards |
Diseases: | Downy mildew, Late blight, Stem & Root rot |
Fosetyl aluminium
Active Ingeridents: | Fosetyl aluminium |
Formulation: | 80% WP |
Spectrum: | Potato, vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Diseases: | Downy mildew, Late blight, Stem & Root rot, Citrus gummosis & Root rot |
Tricyclazole + Propiconazole
Active Ingeridents: | Tricyclazole + Propiconazole |
Formulation: | 52.5% SE |
Spectrum: | Rise, Wheat, Orchards, Vegetables |
Diseases: | Blast, Brown leaf spot, Rust, Powdery mildew, Brown rot |
Cymoxanil + Mancozeb
Active Ingeridents: | Cymoxanil + Mancozeb |
Formulation: | 72% WP |
Spectrum: | Potato, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Diseases: | Early & Late blight, Downy mildew, Banana black rot |
Difenoconazole + Azoxystrobin
Active Ingeridents: | Difenoconazole + Azoxystrobin |
Formulation: | 32.5% SC |
Spectrum: | Potato, Wheat, Rice, Vegetables, Orchards |
Weeds: | Rice blast, Early blight, Stem rot, Weat Rust, Powdery mildew of mango, Anthrocnose, Apple scab |
Active Ingeridents: | Flusilazole |
Formulation: | 10%EW |
Spectrum: | Wheat, Cucurbits, Vegetables, Maize, Orchards |
Diseases: | Rust, Scab, Brown rot, Stem rot, Powdery mildew, Black rot |
Metalaxyl + Propamocarb
Active Ingeridents: | Metalaxyl + Propamocarb |
Formulation: | 25% WP |
Spectrum: | Potato, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Diseases: | Downy mildew, Late blight, Stem & Root rot |
Dimethomorph + Mancozeb
Active Ingeridents: | Dimethomorph + Mancozeb |
Formulation: | 50% Wp |
Spectrum: | Potato, Wheat, Vegetables, Orchards |
Diseases: | Late blight, Downy mildew, Citrus gummosis |
Active Ingeridents: | Difenoconazole |
Formulation: | 25% EC |
Spectrum: | Potato, Rice, Wheat, Vegetables, Orchards |
Diseases: | Early & blight, Die back, Apple scab, Downy mildew, Rust, Powedery mildew |
Thiophanate methyl + Chlorothalonil
Active Ingeridents: | Thiophanate methyl + Chlorothalonil |
Formulation: | 75%WP |
Spectrum: | Field Crops, Vegetables, Orchards |
Diseases: | Rice blast, Die back, Powdery mildew of mango, Brown leaf spot, Powdery mildew |
Active Ingeridents: | Mancozeb |
Formulation: | 80% WP |
Spectrum: | Potato, Wheat, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Diseases: | Early & Late blight, Downy mildew, Leaf spots |
Copper Oxychloride
Formulation: | 50% WP |
Spectrum: | Rice, Potato, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Diseases: | Bacterial blight, Scab, Citrus canker |
Azoxysrobin + Chlorothalonil
Active Ingeridents: | Azoxysrobin + Chlorothalonil |
Formulation: | 56% SC |
Spectrum: | Potato, Rice, Orchards, Vegetables, Other Crops |
Diseases: | Powdery mildew, Downy mildew, Scab, Stem rot, Early & Late blight, Rice blast, Rust |
Active Ingeridents: | lsoproturon |
Formulation: | 50% WP |
Spectrum: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Halosulfuron methyl
Active Ingeridents: | Halosulfuron methyl |
Formulation: | 75% WDG |
Spectrum: | Maize, Sugercane, Sorghum |
Weeds: | Narrow leaves weeds (Cypxus sp) |
Clodinafop propergyl
Active Ingeridents: | Clodinafop propergyl |
Formulation: | 15% WP |
Spectrum: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Narrow leaves weeds |
Nicosulfuron + Atrazine + Propisochlor
Active Ingeridents: | Nicosulfuron + Atrazine + Propisochlor |
Formulation: | 37% OD |
Spectrum: | Maize |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves Weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Glyphosate |
Formulation: | 48% SL |
Spectrum: | Orchards, All Crops |
Weeds: | For all types of weeds(Post-emergence) |
Active Ingeridents: | Paraquat |
Formulation: | 20% SL |
Spectrum: | Potato |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds, Post emergent |
Active Ingeridents: | Metribuzin |
Formulation: | 70% WP |
Spectrum: | potato |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Butachlor |
Formulation: | 60% EC |
Spectrum: | Rice |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl |
Formulation: | 6.9% EW |
Spectrum: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Narrow leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Pendimethalin |
Formulation: | 33% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Maize, Pulses, Onion, Sunflower |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & narrow leaves weeds (Per emergence) |
Fluraxypr meptyl + Tribenuron methyl
Active Ingeridents: | Fluraxypr meptyl + Tribenuron methyl |
Formulation: | 20% WP |
Spectrum: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Sulfosulfuron |
Formulation: | 75% WG |
Spectrum: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Clopyralid |
Formulation: | 30% SL |
Spectrum: | Wheat, Pulses, Onion, Maize |
Weeds: | Broad leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Atrazine |
Formulation: | 38% SC |
Spectrum: | Maize |
Weeds: | Broad leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Quizalofop-p-ethyl |
Formulation: | 15% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Sunflower, Potato, Peanut, Brassica, Mungbeen etc. |
Weeds: | Narrow leaves weeds |
Bispyribac sodium
Active Ingeridents: | Bispyribac sodium |
Formulation: | 20% WP |
Spectrum: | Rice |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | Acetochlor |
Formulation: | 50% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Maize, Rice, Vegetables, pulses |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Bromoxynil + MCPA
Active Ingeridents: | Bromoxynil + MCPA |
Formulation: | 40% EC |
Spectrum: | Wheat |
Weeds: | Broad leaves weeds |
Ametryn + Atrazine
Active Ingeridents: | Ametryn + Atrazine |
Formulation: | 80% WP |
Spectrum: | Sugercane |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Active Ingeridents: | S-Metolachlor |
Formulation: | 96% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Maize, Sunflower |
Weeds: | Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds |
Actemiprid + Lambda Cyhalothrin
Active Ingeridents: | Actemiprid + Lambda Cyhalothrin |
Formulation: | 26 % WDG |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Pests: | Jassid, White backed hopper, Leaf Folder, Grass hopper, Aphids, Black bug, Fruit borer |
Active Ingeridents: | Actemiprid |
Formulation: | 20% SP |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchard |
Pests: | All sucking pests |
Active Ingeridents: | Actemiprid |
Formulation: | 20% SL |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | All sucking pests |
Active Ingeridents: | Buprofezin |
Formulation: | 22% ZC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Maize, Vegetables, Orchard |
Pests: | Leaf Folder, Fruit borer, Leaf hopper, White back plant hopper, Aphids, Jassid |
Active Ingeridents: | Dichlorvos |
Formulation: | 50% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Jassid, Thrips, citrus psylla, Aphids |
Active Ingeridents: | Buprofezin |
Formulation: | 25% WP |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchard |
Pests: | White fly, |
Active Ingeridents: | Trichlorfon |
Formulation: | 80% SP |
Spectrum: | Vegetables, Orchard |
Pests: | Fruit fly |
Active Ingeridents: | Thiamethoxam |
Formulation: | 25% WDG |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Rice, Vegetables |
Pests: | Jassid, Aphids, Leaf hopper, White Backed plant hopper |
Active Ingeridents: | Clothianidin |
Formulation: | 20% SC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchard |
Pests: | Jassid, White fly, Thrips, Aphids, Mango hopper |
Emamectin benzoate + Tebufenozide
Active Ingeridents: | Emamectin benzoate + Tebufenozide |
Formulation: | 25% SC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Pests: | American bollworm, Spoted bollworm, Army worm |
Active Ingeridents: | Bifenthrin |
Formulation: | 10% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Sugercane, Vegetables, Orchard, Cucurbits |
Pests: | Mites, Spotted bollworm, Citrus psylla, Black bug, Leaf miner, Red pumpkin beetle |
Emamectin benzoate + Lufenuron
Active Ingeridents: | Emamectin benzoate + Lufenuron |
Formulation: | 3% SC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Maize, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Lepidopterous, American bollworm, Spoted bollworm, Army worm, Fruite borer |
Active Ingeridents: | Nitenpyram |
Formulation: | 50% SG |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables |
Pests: | Jassid, Aphids |
Pyrideben + Hexythiazox
Active Ingeridents: | Pyrideben + Hexythiazox |
Formulation: | 12.5% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Sugercane, Orchards, Vegetables |
Pests: | For all stages of mites |
Active Ingeridents: | Acephate |
Formulation: | 75% SP |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Rice, Vegetables |
Pests: | Thrips, Mites, White back plant hopper |
Bifenthrin + Nitenpyram
Active Ingeridents: | Bifenthrin + Nitenpyram |
Formulation: | 25% SL |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other crops |
Pests: | Pink bollworm, Lepidopterous, Mites, Black bug, Leaf miner, Jassid, Aphids |
Active Ingeridents: | Lufenuron |
Formulation: | 5% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Maize, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Fruit borer, Lapidopterous, Armyworm |
Active Ingeridents: | Pyriproxyfen |
Formulation: | 10.8% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton |
Pests: | white fly, Aphids, Jassid, Sucking pest |
Chlorpyrifos + Fipronil
Active Ingeridents: | chlorpyrifos + Fipronil |
Formulation: | 18%CF |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Dusky cotton bug, Mealy bug, Red cotton bug, Termites |
Lambda Cyhalothrin
Active Ingeridents: | Lambda Cyhalothrin |
Formulation: | 2.5% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Sugercane, Rice, Vegetables, Orchards, |
Pests: | Leaf folder, Black bug, Fruit borer |
Active Ingeridents: | Chlorfenapyr |
Formulation: | 36% SC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Pests: | Thrips, Mites, Army worm, Spotted ball worm, |
Emamectin benzoate + Indoxacarb
Active Ingeridents: | Emamectin benzoate + Indoxacarb |
Formulation: | 9 % SC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetable, Orchards, Other Crops |
Pests: | Lapidopterous, American bollworm, Spotted bollworm, Fruit borer |
Active Ingeridents: | Triazophos |
Formulation: | 40% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Pink bollworm, Fruite borer, Brinjal fruite borer, Mealy bug |
Active Ingeridents: | Deltamethrin |
Formulation: | 2.5 % EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetable, Orchards |
Pests: | Lapidopterous, Mites & Leaf folder |
Deltamethrin + Triazophos
Active Ingeridents: | Deltamethrin + Triazophos |
Formulation: | 36% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Pink bollworm, Lepidopterous, Mites, Mealy bug |
Active Ingeridents: | Diafenthiuron |
Formulation: | 50% SC |
Spectrum: | Cotton & Vegetable |
Pests: | White fly, Mites, |
Active Ingeridents: | Cypermethrin |
Formulation: | 10% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Tobacco, Vegetables, Orchards, Other crops |
Pests: | Lepidopterous, Cut worms, Mol cricket, Bollworms |
Active Ingeridents: | Imidacloprid |
Formulation: | 70% WS |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | Jassid, White fly, Thrips, Aphids, (Seed Treatment) |
Emamectin benzoate
Active Ingeridents: | Emamectin benzoate |
Formulation: | 1.9% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, other corps |
Pests: | American bollworm, Spatted bollworm, Army worm |
Active Ingeridents: | Chlorpyrifos |
Formulation: | 40% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetable, Orchards |
Pests: | Lepidopterous, Mealy bug, Termites |
Nitenpyram + pymetrozine
Active Ingeridents: | Nitenpyram + pymetrozine |
Formulation: | 80% WDG |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Rice, Vegetable, Citrus, Potato |
Pests: | Jassid, Aphids, white fly, White backed plant hopper |
Pyriproxyfen + Imidacloprid
Active Ingeridents: | pyriproxyfen + Imidacloprid |
Formulation: | 10% SC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards |
Pests: | white fly, Jassid, Aphids, Thrips |
Profenofos + Cypermethrin
Active Ingeridents: | Profenofos + Cypermethrin |
Formulation: | 44% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Gram, Vegetables |
Pests: | Spotted bollworm, American bollworm, Pod borer, Aphid & Mealy bug |
Profenofos + Cypermethrin
Active Ingeridents: | Profenofos + Cypermethrin |
Formulation: | 44% EC |
Spectrum: | Cotton, Gram, Vegetables |
Pests: | Spotted bollworm, American bollworm, Pod borer, Aphid & Mealy bug |
Active Ingeridents: | Fipronil |
Formulation: | 5% SC |
Spectrum: | Sugercane, Rice, Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops |
Pests: | Stem borer, Red cotton bug, Dusky cotton bug, Shoot fly, Termites |
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