

Cartap Hydrochloride

Active Ingeridents: Cartap hydrochloride
Formulation: 4% G
Spectrum: Rice
Pests: Stem borer, Leaf folder


Active Ingeridents: Monomehypo
Formulation: 5% G
Spectrum: Rice
Pests: Stem borer


Active Ingeridents: Carbofuron
Formulation: 3% G
Spectrum: Maize, Rice, Sugercane, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Stem borer, Leaf folder, Nematodes


Active Ingeridents: Fipronil
Formulation: 0.4% G
Spectrum: Rice, Maize, Sugercane other crops
Pests: Stem borer, Termites


Nitrogen + Phosphoruse + Postash

Active Ingeridents: Nitrogen, Phosphoruse, Postash, Sulfer, Mixture of all the essential macro & micro nutrient
Formulation: 15:0:30:20s% W/W
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Zinc Liquid

Active Ingeridents: Zinc Liquid
Formulation: 10% W/V
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Zinc Granular

Active Ingeridents: Zinc Granular
Formulation: 33% G, 21% G
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Nitrogen + Phosphorus + Potash + Amino acids

Active Ingeridents: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash & Amino acids
Formulation: 08:08:06% W/V
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Humic acid + Sulfur

Active Ingeridents: Organic Matter, Humic acid, Sulfur, Potash, Zinc & Magnesium
Formulation: 25% W/W
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards


Active Ingeridents: Phosphorus
Formulation: 20% W/V
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Nitrogen+ Phosphorus +Potato

Active Ingeridents: Nitrogen+Phosphorus+Potato
Formulation: 05:15:45 W/V
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Nitrogen+ Phosphorus+ Potash

Active Ingeridents: Nitrogen+Phosphorus+Potash
Formulation: 20:20:20 W/W
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards


Active Ingeridents: Boron
Formulation: 5% W/V
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Humic acid + Fleuvic asid + Potash

Active Ingeridents: Humic acid, Fleuvic asid, Potash, other micro nutrients
Formulation: 10+3.5% W/v ( Soil Conditioner)
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orcherds


Active Ingeridents: Nitrogen
Formulation: 20% W/N
Spectrum: Vegetables, Fields Crops, Orchards

Potash + Boron

Active Ingeridents: Potash + Boron
Formulation: 30% W/V
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards

Nitrogen + Phosphorus

Active Ingeridents: Nitrogen + Phosphorus
Formulation: 17:44:00 W/W
Spectrum: Vegetables, Field Crops, Orchards



Active Ingeridents: Validamycin
Formulation: 5% SL
Spectrum: Potato, Rise, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Diseases: Rizocotina, Citrus canker, Bacterial leaf blight

Thiophanate methyl

Active Ingeridents: Thiophanate methyl
Formulation: 70% WP
Spectrum: Wheat, Rice, Vegetables, Orchards
Diseases: Powdery mildew, Stem rot, Smut, Kamal bunt, Brown spot, Bakanae, Rice blast, Die back of fruit plants

Metalaxyl + Mancozeb

Active Ingeridents: Metalaxyl + Mancozeb
Formulation: 72% WP
Spectrum: Potato, Vegetables, Orchards
Diseases: Downy mildew, Late blight, Stem & Root rot

Fosetyl aluminium

Active Ingeridents: Fosetyl aluminium
Formulation: 80% WP
Spectrum: Potato, vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Diseases: Downy mildew, Late blight, Stem & Root rot, Citrus gummosis & Root rot

Tricyclazole + Propiconazole

Active Ingeridents: Tricyclazole + Propiconazole
Formulation: 52.5% SE
Spectrum: Rise, Wheat, Orchards, Vegetables
Diseases: Blast, Brown leaf spot, Rust, Powdery mildew, Brown rot

Cymoxanil + Mancozeb

Active Ingeridents: Cymoxanil + Mancozeb
Formulation: 72% WP
Spectrum: Potato, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Diseases: Early & Late blight, Downy mildew, Banana black rot

Difenoconazole + Azoxystrobin

Active Ingeridents: Difenoconazole + Azoxystrobin
Formulation: 32.5% SC
Spectrum: Potato, Wheat, Rice, Vegetables, Orchards
Weeds: Rice blast, Early blight, Stem rot, Weat Rust, Powdery mildew of mango, Anthrocnose, Apple scab


Active Ingeridents: Flusilazole
Formulation: 10%EW
Spectrum: Wheat, Cucurbits, Vegetables, Maize, Orchards
Diseases: Rust, Scab, Brown rot, Stem rot, Powdery mildew, Black rot

Metalaxyl + Propamocarb

Active Ingeridents: Metalaxyl + Propamocarb
Formulation: 25% WP
Spectrum: Potato, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Diseases: Downy mildew, Late blight, Stem & Root rot

Dimethomorph + Mancozeb

Active Ingeridents: Dimethomorph + Mancozeb
Formulation: 50% Wp
Spectrum: Potato, Wheat, Vegetables, Orchards
Diseases: Late blight, Downy mildew, Citrus gummosis


Active Ingeridents: Difenoconazole
Formulation: 25% EC
Spectrum: Potato, Rice, Wheat, Vegetables, Orchards
Diseases: Early & blight, Die back, Apple scab, Downy mildew, Rust, Powedery mildew

Thiophanate methyl + Chlorothalonil

Active Ingeridents: Thiophanate methyl + Chlorothalonil
Formulation: 75%WP
Spectrum: Field Crops, Vegetables, Orchards
Diseases: Rice blast, Die back, Powdery mildew of mango, Brown leaf spot, Powdery mildew


Active Ingeridents: Mancozeb
Formulation: 80% WP
Spectrum: Potato, Wheat, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Diseases: Early & Late blight, Downy mildew, Leaf spots

Copper Oxychloride

Formulation: 50% WP
Spectrum: Rice, Potato, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Diseases: Bacterial blight, Scab, Citrus canker

Azoxysrobin + Chlorothalonil

Active Ingeridents: Azoxysrobin + Chlorothalonil
Formulation: 56% SC
Spectrum: Potato, Rice, Orchards, Vegetables, Other Crops
Diseases: Powdery mildew, Downy mildew, Scab, Stem rot, Early & Late blight, Rice blast, Rust



Active Ingeridents: lsoproturon
Formulation: 50% WP
Spectrum: Wheat
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds

Halosulfuron methyl

Active Ingeridents: Halosulfuron methyl
Formulation: 75% WDG
Spectrum: Maize, Sugercane, Sorghum
Weeds: Narrow leaves weeds (Cypxus sp)

Clodinafop propergyl

Active Ingeridents: Clodinafop propergyl
Formulation: 15% WP
Spectrum: Wheat
Weeds: Narrow leaves weeds

Nicosulfuron + Atrazine + Propisochlor

Active Ingeridents: Nicosulfuron + Atrazine + Propisochlor
Formulation: 37% OD
Spectrum:  Maize
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves Weeds


Active Ingeridents: Glyphosate
Formulation: 48% SL
Spectrum: Orchards, All Crops
Weeds: For all types of weeds(Post-emergence)


Active Ingeridents: Paraquat
Formulation: 20% SL
Spectrum: Potato
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds, Post emergent


Active Ingeridents: Metribuzin
Formulation: 70% WP
Spectrum: potato
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Butachlor
Formulation: 60% EC
Spectrum: Rice
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl
Formulation: 6.9% EW
Spectrum: Wheat
Weeds: Narrow leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Pendimethalin
Formulation: 33% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Maize, Pulses, Onion, Sunflower
Weeds: Broad leaves & narrow leaves weeds (Per emergence)

Fluraxypr meptyl + Tribenuron methyl

Active Ingeridents: Fluraxypr meptyl + Tribenuron methyl
Formulation: 20% WP
Spectrum: Wheat
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Sulfosulfuron
Formulation: 75% WG
Spectrum: Wheat
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Clopyralid
Formulation: 30% SL
Spectrum: Wheat, Pulses, Onion, Maize
Weeds: Broad leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Atrazine
Formulation: 38% SC
Spectrum: Maize
Weeds: Broad leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Quizalofop-p-ethyl
Formulation: 15% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Sunflower, Potato, Peanut, Brassica, Mungbeen etc.
Weeds: Narrow leaves weeds

Bispyribac sodium

Active Ingeridents: Bispyribac sodium
Formulation: 20% WP
Spectrum: Rice
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: Acetochlor
Formulation: 50% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Maize, Rice, Vegetables, pulses
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds

Bromoxynil + MCPA

Active Ingeridents: Bromoxynil + MCPA
Formulation: 40% EC
Spectrum: Wheat
Weeds: Broad leaves weeds

Ametryn + Atrazine

Active Ingeridents: Ametryn + Atrazine
Formulation:  80% WP
Spectrum: Sugercane
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds


Active Ingeridents: S-Metolachlor
Formulation: 96% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Maize, Sunflower
Weeds: Broad leaves & Narrow leaves weeds


Actemiprid + Lambda Cyhalothrin

Active Ingeridents: Actemiprid + Lambda Cyhalothrin
Formulation: 26 % WDG
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Pests: Jassid, White backed hopper, Leaf Folder, Grass hopper, Aphids, Black bug, Fruit borer


Active Ingeridents: Actemiprid
Formulation: 20% SP
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchard
Pests: All sucking pests


Active Ingeridents: Actemiprid
Formulation: 20% SL
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: All sucking pests


Active Ingeridents: Buprofezin
Formulation: 22% ZC
Spectrum: Cotton, Maize, Vegetables, Orchard
Pests: Leaf Folder, Fruit borer, Leaf hopper, White back plant hopper, Aphids, Jassid


Active Ingeridents: Dichlorvos
Formulation: 50% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Jassid, Thrips, citrus psylla, Aphids


Active Ingeridents: Buprofezin
Formulation: 25% WP
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchard
Pests: White fly,


Active Ingeridents: Trichlorfon
Formulation: 80% SP
Spectrum: Vegetables, Orchard
Pests: Fruit fly


Active Ingeridents: Thiamethoxam
Formulation: 25% WDG
Spectrum: Cotton, Rice, Vegetables
Pests: Jassid, Aphids, Leaf hopper, White Backed plant hopper


Active Ingeridents: Clothianidin
Formulation: 20% SC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchard
Pests: Jassid, White fly, Thrips, Aphids, Mango hopper

Emamectin benzoate + Tebufenozide

Active Ingeridents: Emamectin benzoate + Tebufenozide
Formulation: 25% SC
Spectrum:  Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Pests: American bollworm, Spoted bollworm, Army worm


Active Ingeridents: Bifenthrin
Formulation: 10% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Sugercane, Vegetables, Orchard, Cucurbits
Pests: Mites, Spotted bollworm, Citrus psylla, Black bug, Leaf miner, Red pumpkin beetle

Emamectin benzoate + Lufenuron

Active Ingeridents: Emamectin benzoate + Lufenuron
Formulation: 3% SC
Spectrum: Cotton, Maize, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Lepidopterous, American bollworm, Spoted bollworm, Army worm, Fruite borer


Active Ingeridents: Nitenpyram
Formulation: 50% SG
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables
Pests: Jassid, Aphids

Pyrideben + Hexythiazox

Active Ingeridents: Pyrideben + Hexythiazox
Formulation: 12.5% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Sugercane, Orchards, Vegetables
Pests:  For all stages of mites


Active Ingeridents: Acephate
Formulation: 75% SP
Spectrum: Cotton, Rice, Vegetables
Pests: Thrips, Mites, White back plant hopper

Bifenthrin + Nitenpyram

Active Ingeridents: Bifenthrin + Nitenpyram
Formulation: 25% SL
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other crops
Pests: Pink bollworm, Lepidopterous, Mites, Black bug, Leaf miner, Jassid, Aphids


Active Ingeridents: Lufenuron
Formulation: 5% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Maize, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Fruit borer, Lapidopterous, Armyworm


Active Ingeridents: Pyriproxyfen
Formulation: 10.8% EC
Spectrum: Cotton
Pests: white fly, Aphids, Jassid, Sucking pest

Chlorpyrifos + Fipronil

Active Ingeridents: chlorpyrifos + Fipronil
Formulation: 18%CF
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Dusky cotton bug, Mealy bug, Red cotton bug, Termites

Lambda Cyhalothrin

Active Ingeridents: Lambda Cyhalothrin
Formulation: 2.5% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Sugercane, Rice, Vegetables, Orchards,
Pests: Leaf folder, Black bug, Fruit borer


Active Ingeridents: Chlorfenapyr
Formulation: 36% SC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Pests: Thrips, Mites, Army worm, Spotted ball worm,

Emamectin benzoate + Indoxacarb

Active Ingeridents: Emamectin benzoate + Indoxacarb
Formulation: 9 % SC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetable, Orchards, Other Crops
Pests: Lapidopterous, American bollworm, Spotted bollworm, Fruit borer


Active Ingeridents: Triazophos
Formulation: 40% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Pink bollworm, Fruite borer, Brinjal fruite borer, Mealy bug


Active Ingeridents: Deltamethrin
Formulation: 2.5 % EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetable, Orchards
Pests: Lapidopterous, Mites & Leaf folder

Deltamethrin + Triazophos

Active Ingeridents: Deltamethrin + Triazophos
Formulation: 36% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Pink bollworm, Lepidopterous, Mites, Mealy bug


Active Ingeridents: Diafenthiuron
Formulation: 50% SC
Spectrum: Cotton & Vegetable
Pests: White fly, Mites,


Active Ingeridents: Cypermethrin
Formulation: 10% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Tobacco, Vegetables, Orchards, Other crops
Pests: Lepidopterous, Cut worms, Mol cricket, Bollworms


Active Ingeridents: Imidacloprid
Formulation: 70% WS
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: Jassid, White fly, Thrips, Aphids, (Seed Treatment)

Emamectin benzoate

Active Ingeridents: Emamectin benzoate
Formulation: 1.9% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, other corps
Pests: American bollworm, Spatted bollworm, Army worm


Active Ingeridents: Chlorpyrifos
Formulation: 40% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetable, Orchards
Pests: Lepidopterous, Mealy bug, Termites

Nitenpyram + pymetrozine

Active Ingeridents: Nitenpyram + pymetrozine
Formulation: 80% WDG
Spectrum: Cotton, Rice, Vegetable, Citrus, Potato
Pests: Jassid, Aphids, white fly, White backed plant hopper

Pyriproxyfen + Imidacloprid

Active Ingeridents: pyriproxyfen + Imidacloprid
Formulation: 10% SC
Spectrum: Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards
Pests: white fly, Jassid, Aphids, Thrips

Profenofos + Cypermethrin

Active Ingeridents: Profenofos + Cypermethrin
Formulation: 44% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Gram, Vegetables
Pests: Spotted bollworm, American bollworm, Pod borer, Aphid & Mealy bug

Profenofos + Cypermethrin

Active Ingeridents: Profenofos + Cypermethrin
Formulation: 44% EC
Spectrum: Cotton, Gram, Vegetables
Pests: Spotted bollworm, American bollworm, Pod borer, Aphid & Mealy bug


Active Ingeridents: Fipronil
Formulation: 5% SC
Spectrum: Sugercane, Rice, Cotton, Vegetables, Orchards, Other Crops
Pests: Stem borer, Red cotton bug, Dusky cotton bug, Shoot fly, Termites